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Lambplan ASBV
Strathfield Rams White Suffolks

Welcome to Strathfield Rams

Your Key To Performance

Strathfield Rams White Suffolks

Strathfield Rams is a leading White Suffolk sheep stud. Based in the Adelaide Plains region of South Australia, breeding quality sheep has been an objective since the family farm was established in 1856. 

Initially a mixed sheep and cropping enterprise, Strathfield Rams White Suffolks was founded in 2020 and is now the primary focus of the production system.


Recognised for producing pedigree genetics that perform in the top end of sheep studs for growth, muscle, eating quality and various other Breeding Values using industry leading technology.

Data driven performance for producers, tailored for consumers

Strathfield Rams White Suffolks


Strathfield Rams methodology employs the LAMBPLAN database and visual selection to harness the best genetics available from around the country to use in their breeding program. 

Drawing on a diverse pool of rams, we are able to identify the most influential genetics which will project faster enhancements in the stud.

Strathfield Rams Biosecurity

Strathfield Rams place importance on biosecurity and animal welfare, working toward industry accreditation standards so you can purchase in confidence. 

In mid-2023 we will acquire MN3 status (tested and vaccinated) for Ovine Jones Disease. We now have accreditation for being Ovine Brucellosis free (ACC#1414).

We currently operate as a closed flock, but in the future may consider acquiring rams from studs which hold equivalent disease status.

Strathfield Rams White Suffolks

White Suffolks

Performance comes from both the ewe and the ram. Strathfield Rams has a laser-focus on exceptional quality, well balanced, stud ewes.

Sire Battery

Strathfield Rams uses an elite selection of exceptional sires, who have proven success in generations of superior breeding.

Latest News & Media

Our next annual sale will be early Spring  2023

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